Thursday, January 21, 2010


(this is Thursday's post, but Vimeo was slow to upload and convert last night so here it is today...)
  • Surprised a co-worker
  • Had dinner with my girl (fab enchiladas, Liz!)
  • Bemoaned the fact that peanuts are not actually nuts (criminal, I say!)
  • Cleaned up cat pee
  • Wore a new pair of boots
  • Walked in an alto and out a soprano
And solved this mystery...


Lisa said...

Now THAT is a bad dog!

Melanie said...

LOVE when you can answer a 'doggie' mystery. I used to think it would be fun to have a webcam up to see what Griffin did all day......then I thought, what would I actually do if he was tearing down the blinds in front of my eyes and I was 45 minutes away?!?!? That's one agile dog you have there!

Melanie said...

LOVE when you can answer a 'doggie' mystery. I used to think it would be fun to have a webcam up to see what Griffin did all day......then I thought, what would I actually do if he was tearing down the blinds in front of my eyes and I was 45 minutes away?!?!? That's one agile dog you have there!